Lovins, Clinton said, got RMI to help green up the White House and now Bill is trying to take that on the road with his foundation, helping 40 cities on five continents—including Philly and New Orleans in the United States—do energy retrofits on their replica Omega 2901.50.37 watch biggest buildings. “I feel sorta like I felt when I got into the business of distributing AIDS medicine,” he said. “We doubled the number of kids getting AIDS medicines, but I tell people, ‘Don’t clap.’ There are 500,000 kids with AIDS; we doubled the number getting medicine from 10,000 to 20,000.” So then he told the RMI audience—a 350-person ballroom full of liberal whities—
that the $5 billion his foundation is spending has doubled the amount of money being spent on green retrofits worldwide. “Don’t clap! Don’t clap!” he said. “You could spend $5 billion in New York easily and still not have come anywhere close to finishing the job.” But one thing he did point out, that people like Sustainable South Bronx activist Majora replica Omega 1503.10 watch Carter echoed later, is that a project like that creates tens of thousands of jobs. Hillary, he said, plans to incorporate that into her campaign—a green-collar jobs-training initiative, spending $1 billion toward retrofitting government buildings.
This is what countries like Denmark and England have been doing since the mid-1990s, Clinton reminded us—creating jobs and profits from green innovations.Anyway.Clinton was encouraged by the Energy Bill passed last week in Congress, replica Omega 3873.50.31 watch emphasizing a single line in the bill that decouples electricity price from electricity usage, meaning utility companies could begin financing things like solar heaters or energy-efficient windows for their customers, allowing to pay them off over time. “We are moving in the direction RMI has been advocating for 25 years. The country is getting back in the solutions business.